Telegram is Not Encrypted

I remember reading a description of a phenomenon that goes something like this: One tends to believe that what they read in media is true, until one reads an article on a subject one is well versed in, where the article appears full of glaring and often jaw-droppingly ignorant flaws in reporting. Yet, we tend to continue reading the same media even after such an event, subconsciously treating the error-filled article as a fluke....

September 3, 2024

Escaping Surveillance

Imagine you and someone close to you are seated in your home, having an intimate, personal conversation. Perhaps you are confessing something you are ashamed of having done, discussing misgivings about a relationship, or asking for advice on a sensitive matter. You happen to glance out of the window, and notice a person standing there, clearly eavesdropping. A natural reaction is one of shock, fear, anger, confusion, above all a feeling of having been violated....

March 15, 2024